Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TJ & Lily

TJ is so cute with Lily. He loves to give Lily her 'dog biscuits' after she goes 'potty' outside. He enjoys feeding her off his highchair and any other time he has food. TJ has been giving her 'kisses' since he could crawl. Unfortunately, TJ had little understanding what 'pet Lily she's soft' meant. We have to remind him every day to open his hand; pat, pat, pat. It seems irresistible for him to grab a hand full of dog fur. I'm glad to report that we are seeing progress. Needless to say, Lily was very wary of TJ because of the pain that he inflicted upon her. Now TJ is her best friend - the one with 'kibbles' [human and otherwise]. We give TJ a 'gold fish' cracker; he gives it to Lily. Everyone is happy.

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