Sunday, March 6, 2011

Page 6.) 5-3-98

I tell you to say 'thank you Grandmas, for the dry diaper' when I change you.
You say please, thank you and welcome all the time.
I hope you go to college. I know you are smart enough. Maybe you will be a chiropractor.


We gave the (neighbor) dog [Belle] a biscuit. She sits down for her treat and we say 'good girl'. You were walking back on the sidewalk patting your chest saying - 'good boy'.
The trees are beautiful; we [me caring you] were under the 'chestnut tree' and I said, " Kenzie, the tree looks like an umbrella [because the branches and leaves hang low]". So I decided to show you all my trees. The next one was a 'Redbud'. You said, "pink' [it had pink flowers]. I said, " yes, but the tree is sad because the trunk was beaten up by bugs. You said, " wa wa cry" because I said the tree was sad. I should have said the tree was in bad shape or doing poorly.

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