Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Only three days.

In three weeks my family from Michigan will be here. I'm so excited! Dee and Jay are coming to help celebrate TJ's FIRST birthday. Speaking of TJ, he has a little cold/ or its teething. We missed 'story time' at the library Mon. and we will miss Thur. because people are coming to install the shower doors. It's about time. Life does seem to move slower in the South. It has rained for a few days, but today was clear, so I took the opportunity to weed the vegetable garden that we share with a few neighbors. TJ was not a big help - he kept me busy putting his hat back on his head and retrieving the ball he threw everywhere. I started to put together my first 'children's picture book' on blurb.com. I have the text on the pages [cut & paste from 'Word']. Now I'm gathering pictures from the internet to correspond with the text. Baby can... is the first of 20 children's books I wrote. I will give them as gifts, then may be a publisher will see them and make me a wealthy old woman, who will then travel the whole world over with her grandson Jay [later TJ when he is old enough to take care of me]. At fifteen, Jay will be a great traveling companion. California here we come!

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