Saturday, July 2, 2011

Page 16.) 9-3-98

You like me to sing 'crocodile'. You sing it too and do the hand motions.
"She sailed away on a bright and sunny day, on the back of a crocodile. You see said she, he as tame as he can be, I'll ride him down the Nile. The croc winked his eye as she waved them all good bye - wearing a happy smile. But at the end of the ride, the lady was inside and the smile was on the crocodile. Believe me baby, he ate the lady, and the smile was on the crocodile........Oh Yeh.
The movies you like are; 'Babe' and 'The Rookie'.
Jay on the phone - "talk,talk,talk...........bye, see you later OK?"
Jay after being given something....."oh, thank you"


If I suggest we play trains, you say "good idea."
GG - "hugs are the best thing in the whole world"
Jay - "no, kisses are the best thing in the whole world'
GG - "no, hugs are the best thing in the whole world"
Jay - "no, kisses are the best thing in the whole world'
Jay - "hugs AND kisses are the best thing in the whole world AND they are FREE!


Happy Halloween! You are a 'fire fighter' this year. Tim was here passing out candy. I am so proud of you. You are only 2 3/4 years old and can move the cursor/arrow on the computer. You can get the arrow on anything you want. You luv the program 'Just grandma & me' [by Mercer Mayer]. We have the book also. You didn't like us to read to you when you were little. I found the 'Little Critter' books by Mercer Mayer and now I can read to you all the time. You luv, 'Just for you', 'Me too', I just forgot', 'Just Grandma and me', 'Just a mess', 'I was so mad', 'Just me and my little brother', 'Just me in the tub'.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quite weekend

TJ and his parents went to visit a friend overnight. I'm home ALONE; enjoying the quiet. Next week is a doozy for Ann. Her place of employment has a major client to get 'online' by July 1st and ALL employees will 'live' at work stating Monday. Now I'm going to put down on paper [computer] some of the things that TJ is doing at 14 months old. If I don't write them down, I will forget. TJ talks very well. He says ball, heavy ball, up, down, highchair, please, Lily, Speedy, heehaw, pretty, strawberry, PB&J, chicken, catch, vroom, bump [speed bump], exit, difficult, [he repeats everything] two, three, upstairs, light, downstairs, more [with ASL] and please [with ASL], all done [with ASL], baby, outside, home, car, truck, blue, purple, [letter] O,M, B and G, book, tea, iced tea, hot coffee, top, bowl, soft, bed, blanket, 'Move your Body' [Beyonce] chair, bathroom, juice, milk, window, Barney, trash, cookie, black pepper, pepper, cheese, hat, mirror, airplane, door, shut, open, bird, ice, yoga, and lots more. First he luvd 'River Dance' then 'Barrage - Old Joe Clark' then 'Move your Body'. He can climb in and out of his 'car seat'. Not too fond of baths. Hugs and kisses Lily and climbs on her for cuddling. Tries to pet 'Speedy' cat. Eats with a fork. Luvs to be naked. Starting to like puzzles. Enjoys an alphabet video. Walks [well] through the uneven ground in the backyard. Likes to go 'bye-bye'. Drinks a lot of juice, some of it carrot. Takes a milk bottle before bed time only. Watches Mommy and Daddy leave for work, through the open window.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I promised.

Yesterday I said [wrote] that I would list a few things that I disliked. First, I would be remiss to leave my 'like' list finished without the addition of 'indoor plumbing'. Enough said. Top of my 'dislike' list is public smoking, hypocrites, people that call themselves 'Christian' but behave very unChrist like, 99 % of TV, sheets/shirts/pants that are not 100% cotton and adults that have 'melt-downs' [anger] worse than a kid. All done. I'm a live and let live kind of gal, until I see the weak/defenceless downtrodden.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm trying to think of something to write.

I guess I'll just write whatever pops into my head. I wish I had a cup of coffee recently. The caffeine makes every thought that enters my head come out my mouth. Just ask Dee & Jay. They have been in a car with me after I drank too much coffee. If I can't think of anything new to write maybe I could think about something in the past. I'm very much NOT an old person who likes to reminisce about the 'glory days'. I like to enjoy the present and look forward to future doings. Maybe my older [15] grandson will be a willing and able travel companion. Since I'm having trouble thinking of something to write, I'll just list some things that I like. Bands [school and parade], cats, dogs, critters, pink, pink and green together, scissors [a pair in every drawer], garage sales, Oldsmobile 98's, pink flowers, gardens, clean sheets, coffee [see above], plays, potatoes [grew my own this year], blue jean and sweater weather, head-hand-foot rubs, heater in the bathroom, air conditioning in my car, non fiction books, real maple syrup, real butter, bread, and water views. Tomorrow -- things that I could live without.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Page 15.) 8-18-98

Jay, were having lunch and I gave you broccoli and you said "muchos grasis". his is the first time you have said 'thank you ' in Spanish. [GG has been saying 'thank you amigo' for a couple of months. Jay "Poka posies'translation 'Ring around the Rosie'.
Today we met a 2 year old boy in the park named 'Mackenzie' ; 'Mac' for short. You asked me to go to 'Greenfield Village'. "I like the big train GG, and the merry go round and the boat". You are very important to me. Yesterday and today you rode your 'Big Bike' to the park and back. About one mile; you are only 2 1/2. "What's your mane?" Jay, "I don't know". We were at a birthday party in August and a woman at the party said. "he [you] has a captivating face. He is gorgeous". I know. They are building GG a new street and you luv 'front loader' steam shovel' dumptrucks, bull dozers and cement trucks. There is another car just like mine in Allen Park and you point it out all the time. I think you are the most precious boy in the whole world. You are very polite and thoughtful. If I forget to say 'your welcome' when someone says thank you' You remind me to say 'your welcome'. YOU ARE A JOY!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Yesterday was my first 'day care' job at Yoga for the students w/children. Two hours of 'working' day care, gets me one hour of yoga-free. I have a deeper respect for teachers today. The first hour was just two 'sisters'. The older [6] decided that the chair would make a great toy - in a room filled with TOYS! The younger sister wanted to do everything her older sister did. The second hour also had sisters, and single 6 year old girl who would not tell me her name [I called her teacher because she wanted to 'teach' the 2 year old sister]. The older sister [5] kept correcting my enunciation of her name. "My name is AVA not ADA." Defective hearing I'd say. Goodness, I can say name begins with a 'V'! It's very hard to chase someone if they refuse to run. The 'most' fun was trying to get 'Ellis' [boy 5] to stop running in the playroom. He was being chased by... what else........the older sister. When I asked him to play catch with me, he threw the ball twice before dragging more toys out. Oh......and the little one stubbed her toe [no shoes????? in the playroom] and it bleed a little and 'teacher' insisted on being the 'nurse' and bandaging the boo-boo. Do the parents feed these kids donuts and koolaid BEFORE bringing them to 'playtime?' I hope it will be more fun, when I bring TJ with me. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hot, Hot, Hot.

North Carolina is in it's first heat wave of 2011. 98* 5/31/11 and nothing <90* for entire week. I was out in the oven Tuesday. It was HOT but, not a humid hot where you feels like a wet soggy dish rag. We have our 'eye' on the house across the street. It is 'for sale' right now, but if it hasn't sold by November when our lease is up, maybe the owner [who lives right next to us] would be willing to rent it to us. Right now our driveway has a 45* slope up. Hers has a flat driveway. Us, no fence - her, fence for Lily. Us, no backyard grass - her, grass. Us, no deck - her, lovely deck. Same house minus one fireplace. We wouldn't even need a moving truck. It's down hill and across the street!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Missing TJ

TJ has been gone for 5 days now and it's too quiet around here. I'm missing the hugs, laughs and special moments. I did get his 'blanket' finished. It's made for a twin size bed. had a deal...spend $50. and shipping is free. I knew I wanted cotton yarn for his blanket and they had 4 colors of 'organic' cotton. white. cream, light coffee and darker coffee. I also bought a softer fuzzier cotton in brown and cream. This yarn was not a heavy/thick as the organic, so when I used it, I used two colors together [variegated]. I tried a couple of patterns [granny squares and straight 178 stitches across] but, kept going back to zig-zag because the most you have to count is 7 [ seven single stitches up - three single stitches in one stitch - seven single stitches down - skip two stitches except for the first row which is a 155 stitch chain]. The pattern of colors changed as I went along. It was supposed to be darkest at both ends and lightest in the middle, but when I worked with the softer yarn I decided to end the top with the two strand two color yarn for softness near the face. It didn't seem wide enough after I was 1/4 of the way done, so I crocheted until I thought is was long enough and had the darker balls of yarn left. So I single crocheted up and down both side of the blanket to make it wider. When I thought I had used most of my yarn I finished the sides with a trim stitch that I made up [not too girly] starting at one end of row chain three - skip one stitch - single crochet in next stitch - repeat until opposite end of row. I underestimate the amount of yarn I needed for the width and having the same color yarn as first row .....I decided to make the blanket longer, inventing a stitch that put more weight on the bottom section of the blanket. I pulled yarn up through both strands of a single stitch and pulled yarn through TREE loops on my hook instead of the normal two! Don't know how long it took to make. On and off for three months? Every single stitch is a kiss from GG and every open space is a hug! Sweet dreams TJ.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Page 14.) 8-13-98

We have been very busy watching 'Kim' [a foster child of Grandpa's] watching Devin & Rekha. Great Grandpa Gosline [Bud] had surgery yesterday. [Kim is your age].
I caught a cold on Monday and broke my toe. [picture of foot pointing to toe on left foot next to baby toe]. I smashed into the door moulding coming out of the laundry room. You and Mom took me to the 'foot Dr.' You kissed my foot and asked, "feel better"?
You have a [stuffed] monkey named 'cha-cha' you luv very much. Mama says last night, "where's chi-chi?" You said, "no Mama not 'chi-chi' 'cha-cha"
Trains have surpassed 'baseball' for you right now. You're just starting to luv 'Tela-tubbies' and you talk about them to us. Pacifier and 'silky' are still a big thing but, you get them mostly in bed. We are starting to talk about the' big potty'. You put diapers on cha-cha. Mama and GG love you very, very, very, very much!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Page 13.) 7-27-98 [in Jay's baby journal].

P. 13) 7-27-98

Today is Monday! It is a beautiful day! NOT HOT! We went to Aunt Kathryn's to see Devin & Rekha. You are an incredible boy! You will be 2 1/2 half next month [August] and you talk very well. Big sentences. You saw 'McDonalds' [sign] the other day...."french fries Grandma" "Sorry Jay, it's too early [10a], they don't make fries until 10:30" We drove more and you saw 'Denney's' sign [restaurant] , you pointed and said "Eat there!"
Jay wanting something........"Please, I love you. Best Grandma in the Whole World"
You do shorten it to ..............."Please, Best in the whole world."
The other day we went and saw large boys play a baseball game. [Cabrini] You were buckled into the stroller ; "Buckle Grandma Buckle" " no Jay you can't join the game." " Baseball bat." You wanted to hold a 'real' bat sooooooooooooooo badly............."no Jay, the boys have to use the bats for their game" {not something a 2 year old understands}. After the game was over, I unbuckled you and you ran over to a silver bat laying on the ground. I put my foot on the bat so you couldn't pick it up and hurt yourself with the very large and heavy bat. You were bent over trying to pick up the bat, I was standing on it...."Best in the whole world." I took my foot off. You said, "Heavy".

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Another quiet day.

Everybody is safe and sound where they are supposed to be. Why my body said "GET UP" at 5am I'll never know. Sometimes I doze in same the red rocker/recliner that I rocked Jay in fifteen years ago. We watched many movies together side by side in the 'big red chair'. Now I'm rocking my 14 month grandson TJ in the same chair. It has seen more hugs and kisses than any other piece of furniture. I think I'll crochet a cotton cover for it that matches my comforter. My day started with garage sales, home for lunch and yoga [less relaxing - more intense workout]. I don't know why these young instructors think I can do all the poses that they can. I'm sure I look ancient to them; hell I look ancient to me! TJ is crazy about balls and ANYTHING that looks like a ball' ....even a circle. Oranges are balls, apple is apple, we have large and small red, blue, green, purple, orange, and pink balls. We have 'heavy", basket, base, foot, and soccer balls. Also we have happy, fuzzy, crazy, dog, cat, silly, soft and stripped balls. We have always named a color, activity, or size to go with each ball, and he can say which ball he has. TJ luvs to hold his balls in his hands and when he got three small [one between his hands] he beamed. Now he can hold 4 [2 in each hand] balls and his chest sticks out a little farther.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Quiet Friday

The family was in a flurry this morning getting ready to go to the airport and work/bike weekend. That sentence does not include me. I just get to enjoy the quiet. It thunder stormed off and on all day. Garage sale shopped, planned my WW [weight watcher] meals, organized, crocheted the blanket I'm making for 'big boy' TJ and did some light cleaning. Tomorrow more garage sales and yoga. I'm sure Ann and TJ are enjoying their visit to her parents house. "I miss you guys." TJ has been talking up a storm. He repeats a lot of what you say. This morning he looked thinner to me and Ann. I swore I wasn't going to repeat the shopping mistakes I made with Jay. "GG can I have......................??????" I just love buying my grandchildren what they want. This time I want to pretend that GG doesn't know where or how to get to the stores. Let his parents buy him want he wants. I buy balls at garage sales.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hard work aka I'm back.

Yes, I know, I have been ignoring my blog for too long. It's not easy to think of something to expound upon M-F. Sometimes aka MOST times, I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm going to write about until I'm sitting in front of a blank page. Even then it might take me a few minutes to THINK of something worth sharing. I could make this easy and write about all the cute things that TJ does but, I'm sure that might get stale after a month/year. I do want to mention [maybe I already did] that I turned my first year of blogging into a book; one for Jacob-one for TJ. I used real names in the book. I am very happy that it turned out well. So............mostly this blog is for Jacob and TJ. I'm sure I can think of some amusing things that happened since I last blogged. TJ is doing amazing after his surgery. TJ and Ann are flying to MI tomorrow to visit family. No excuses.......I have lots of time to blog during the upcoming week.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sailed through.

TJ came through his 'belly button' surgery with a smile. Surgery at 7am, home by 8:35am. What an amazing baby. He has a big bandage on his tummy and under the bandage a stitch. All should be healed in a week or so.

Friday, May 6, 2011


TJ is having out patient surgery Monday to remove what looks like a large jelly bean on his belly button. It's not a hernia, it was a small growth that got larger from not clamping his navel completely at birth. It looks like it would hurt to pull on it, but TJ is very fond of it. He likes to touch it. TJ was 13 months old May 1st. He still has only two teeth, but talks well. He likes to repeat words especially if they have to do with his favorite thing...........balls. TJ knows his colors because he has so many balls that we have to call them small or big and by their color and texture. We are working on teaching him to 'kick' his balls into his 'tent' to get a 'SCORE!'. He already knows that if he throws them in a basket he gets 'SCORE!. The same goes if he throws his diapers into the trash. TJ can name a few 'shapes' that go into the Tupper Ware puzzle ball. He likes Barney, Selena Gomez, peas [balls] bananas, cheese and many other foods. Grandma 'GG' is having a blast taking care of TJ, just like she did taking care of Jacob.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

sciatic nerve

Did you know that there is NOT one sciatic nerve.....I didn't? Yes yes yes.....there is one sciatic nerve in EACH hip! Silly me I thought it was a single [uno] nerve some where near/on the tail bone, hence one nerve. I suppose it would be VERY uncomfortable to have both sciatic nerves flaring up at the same time. And probably hardly anyone has that misfortune. Well my RIGHT hip has pain off and on and it's time to go see an orthopedic doctor that practices orthopedics. My wish is that one great big cortisone shot into the butt relieves the intermittent pain. [Then I'll see about another shot for my right knee]. 60ish and falling apart.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I've been too lazy lately to post. Still covered with red marks where I chiggered. Chiggers haven't stopped me from gardening, but you should see all the precautions I take. Long sleeves, jeans, long socks and boots. Then I spray everything with industrial bug spray. After gardening, I strip off everything in front of the wash machine and run to take a shower. And chiggers are NOT the worst of bugs..... ticks, black widow and brown recluse spiders. Made me shiver just to type them. On to more tame thoughts-things. I joined 'weight watchers' Saturday. I'm NOT giving up dark chocolate or ice cream. I'm just learning how to portion control with their new "PointsPlus" program. This is not a's a way of life if you [me] want to be a normal size. My goal is to wear size 12 jeans again. And I like getting out of the house to meet people with a common goal. So far so good. I'm thinking it should take 8 months to lose 40 lbs. That will be my 'Christmas' present to me and my family. Just for the record - I gained all 40 lbs AFTER I turned 57. I was 126 average in high school and 135 most of my adult life. One time when I was 30 I weighed 100 lbs. { Brain surgery}. I did top 156 after Tim's birth. Then I lost a few lbs before getting pregnant with Dee. Enough about me. TJ is awesome. Toddles like a champ. Every other word out of his mouth is 'ball'. He is quite good at repeating words. He likes to hear familiar songs on Barney.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One week.

A WEEK has past since my last blog. I've been kinda pre-occupied with a red itchy rash all over my body. Looks terrible. The exterminator was here to look for bed bugs. Nada. I thought it might be poison ivy, but no tell tale blisters. I prayed that it wasn't 'scabies' but it sure looked like it might be, except 'scabies' is highly contagious...and no one else has it. When I took Lily to the vet to get her heart worm test, I asked the veterinarian if he could tell 'scabies' rash from poison ivy. He looked at my rash and said it's neither - it's probably 'chiggers'. Some of the other things about 'chiggers' he mentioned, were comparable to my rash. Thank you North Carolina! I have been gardening lately and chigger larva lives in the soil, but need human skin to mature. Google 'chiggers' for more detail. Bug spray on your skin and a shower after being in dirt, should prevent the buggers from sticking to your skin. [They don't burrow, they don't really bite for blood.] On a less itchy note...TJ is climbing, throwing, and falling a lot. He has beautiful blond curls on the back of his head. TJ is trying to talk and we can understand some of what he says. Today he said 'Lily" with lots of tongue action. I was surprised at such a young guy trying so hard to make a 'L' sound. Very Good TJ!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another BIG step.

Today TJ moved up to a front facing car seat. Now I can see his cute face in the rear view mirror. I'm sure he likes seeing every thing better. Wish I could figure out what has taking a fancy to biting me. I'm covered with red spots that itch. I look like I have measles. Rubbing stick deoderant on the spots seems to reduce the itch. Yesterday I took an antihistime and took another 8 hours later, but Ann told me they were 24 hour pills...........ooooops. Yawn. I so hope it's not bed bugs. Everybody else has allergies. I'm wearing long sleeves when I go out because my arms look so bad. My first ever book arrived yesterday. "GG's blog 2 book." One for TJ and one for Jay. Everything I blogged for the last 12 months and some of the 'journal' I wrote to Jay when he was 2. Very happy about the book. I'll do another next year if I can.

Monday, April 11, 2011

12 month check-up

Today was TJ's 12 month check up. He weighs - 24lbs 4oz. He 30 1/4 inches tall. 35% of 1 year olds are taller and 30 percent are heavyer. I think he's perfect. Sunday he said; " kitty, kitty, kitty." I was impressed. It came out so clear and I never heard it before. He said it all day. TJ will probably have trouble saying 'Lily' because of the 'L's. Maybe Dee has stats on Jay's one year old check up. I'll see. I'm going to put whatever I can remember of Tim and Dee when they were little. I do remember that Jay could tell you he was 1 year old. I think most children can tell you they are 2 [ before they are three]. Dee could talk in short sentences when she turned 1. Tim was 2 1/2 before he talked well, but he is the only one of my offspring that walked at 10 months. The rest were 1 before they toddled. TJ and I adventured out to a garage sale Friday. Actually, he was asleep in the car. He is easier to haul around because he can stand and walk. Friday night [late 9:30pm] I went to Tennessee with my neighbor/friend. We stopped [1:30am] in Knoxville to spend the night. Saturday morning we drove to Chatanooga to meet up with other Min Pin [dog] rescuers. They were all VERY nice. Then we returned to Charlotte the scenic [white water rafting] way. Sometimes spell check refuses to co-operate??????

Friday, April 8, 2011


No blogging last night. Spent time with Tim and then watched two hour movie. No blogging tonight, going with a friend to Chattanooga Tennessee. Tell you why when I get back.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


TJ stirred pretend soup [Lily's empty water bowl & spoon] and pretended to eat it. His lips were smacking and he offered me some. [I showed him pretend food last week in the bath.] He is such a big boy....almost no crawling and he walked up the slide stairs by himself. TJ wanted me at the top of the 4 ft slide but, I would flip him over on his tummy and say; "feet first". He would push off and slide down landing on his feet at the bottom of the slide with a big smile. TJ walked from the slide to the steps 10 times today at the park. The last time I was not near the steps waiting for him. He just DID IT! I walk 1/2 mile to the playground which doesn't sound like much, but y0u should see the steep driveway and sidewalks I have to navigate - pushing a stroller, baby and hanging on to a dog. It's kind of downhill to the park and uphill on the way back. Then I have a steep driveway to push up up up up. You might think by the time I get to the park half my exercise is done - sorry to say most of my work/exercise is still ahead of me. Feel sad for me yet? I could go on and on and on.......

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday TJ.

Cake, camera, family, candle, presents, new clothes and new balls...........everything perfect for a 1 year old precious boy. Wished we could have skipped the boogie nose. Life in NC is great. Missing Jay and Dee [they left this morning]. Jay was sullen this morning. Dee commented that his attitude was sullen everyday at home. I remember a girl [Dee] child of mine that got sullen when she was 10. It wasn't fun then and it's not fun now. I'm not sure why Dee thought it would be any different with HER teen. Wishful thinking? Dee has her dad's temperment [make a mountain out of a molehill] and Tim has mine [live and let live]. The weekend went way too fast. My cat is glad that Sophi [dog] went home with Dee. Today was a quiet day with TJ. We did go to the park, hoping that the stroller ride home would put TJ to sleep. No luck, the baby/child is running on one short nap from 11:A to 12:p. I feel like crawling into my bed with the clean sheets I just put on it. I luv my bedtime.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poor little guy.

TJ has had a cold for 5 days. He can't breath well and is tired of having three giants chasing him around with tissue. [The giants are tired of slimy snot]. The doorbell rang, Lily barked her piercing bark that woke the napping baby, who cried wretchedly because he was not ready for an abbreviated nap. Sometimes he wakes up happy and sometimes he is inconsolable for a brief period of time. Most times he shakes off the twilight feel, if he see a ball. All day long we hear B - ball. Ann asked him what his favorite letter was......he said B. Today I asked him to put the small metal truck into the baby shoe. Done!! Score!!! In less than 24 hours I will have my arms full of Jay and Dee. It will so great! I probably won't sleep well tonight....too excited. I wish Jay would call or text me every other day. Teenagers!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

By this time tomorrow.

My family will be here in less than 24 hours. Thursday - the day before Dee and Jay arrive for TJ's first birthday. First birthdays are more for the parents than the baby. The baby has no idea what a birthday is. The parents need to celebrate that they and baby have survived one year. It's nice to have family participate in such a momentous occasion. We should think of a new name for first birthday...........'celebrate one year of parenthood'. Too much to write on the cake? I'll take my cake white flour free - low fat- dairy free- sugar to watch that cholesterol. My friend lived to 101 and I don't think she EVER had her blood tested for cholesterol. She ate margarine her whole life, and other assorted non food items like white bread and sugar. Heart disease seems like a minor illness compared to obesity. Although they go hand in hand. I have been a vegetarian for 21 years. I was hoping it was like getting a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card. Unfortunately, I have also been cursed with a raging sweet tooth. Every time I get on the wagon [sugar free] one little sweet treat, no matter how small, will push me right off the wagon and run me over with it. Life is not fair.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Only three days.

In three weeks my family from Michigan will be here. I'm so excited! Dee and Jay are coming to help celebrate TJ's FIRST birthday. Speaking of TJ, he has a little cold/ or its teething. We missed 'story time' at the library Mon. and we will miss Thur. because people are coming to install the shower doors. It's about time. Life does seem to move slower in the South. It has rained for a few days, but today was clear, so I took the opportunity to weed the vegetable garden that we share with a few neighbors. TJ was not a big help - he kept me busy putting his hat back on his head and retrieving the ball he threw everywhere. I started to put together my first 'children's picture book' on I have the text on the pages [cut & paste from 'Word']. Now I'm gathering pictures from the internet to correspond with the text. Baby can... is the first of 20 children's books I wrote. I will give them as gifts, then may be a publisher will see them and make me a wealthy old woman, who will then travel the whole world over with her grandson Jay [later TJ when he is old enough to take care of me]. At fifteen, Jay will be a great traveling companion. California here we come!

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Million things.

It seems like I have a million things that I should blog about. Some of them will fall into place this week as it gets closer to Friday. A lot happened this weekend. It rained, so no camping for the family. Instead, Ann worked on my taxes and efiled them. They should be easier next year. I found a site - that will help me turn my 'blog' into a book for my grandsons. After that is done, I will turn my 'childrens picture book' stories into books. I have written 20+ books. I'm going to end my 'blog 2 book' April 1st. That is TJ's birthday. I have been blogging for one year. I am turning 155+ blogs into 42 pages of text. Editing the blogs got me thinking in a million directions. Update: our cat 'Pepper' never returned after the second night at the new house. Very Sad. I'm not going to volunteer with the birds [too hot, noisy, far] but I may soon be bottle feeding kittens. Tim has been working at a bike shop for three weeks and received a offer to work 'Repair Manager' at a different bike shop. Today he gave the first bike shop, notice. More money, responsibility, no weekends. TJ has a cold/teething and is not feeling 100 %. He is starting to walk. Says..Mama, Daddy, ball, bowl, boom, and probably a lot of other words that we don't understand. He puts balls into everything. We find them all over. We found that if he wakes up from a nap with balls near him, he is in a better mood sooner. TJ is starting to play with Lily. They played 'tug of war' with a dog toy. I found/bought a red 'Radio Flyer' wagon this Sat. for $5.00!!!!! Lots to write this week

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Page 12.) 7-7-98

We went Hines Park [at Inkster] for the annual 'Mud Fest'. GG; "Do you want to go in the mud with all the kids?" Mack; " NO". So we went to the baseball diamond to play [what else] baseball! You have a bat, ball and glove [mitt]. Two boys came up and wanted to play too. I said; "ok". So I got to sit down. Eight [older] boys came and played 'baseball' with you. You were in 'BASEBALL HEAVEN'. They were very nice, paid attention to you, took care and you pitched! 7-27-98 Today is Monday! It is a beautiful day! NOT HOT. We went to Aunt Kathryn's to see Devin and Rekha. You are an incredible boy! You will 2 1/2 next month [August 24]. And you talk very well in big sentences. You saw 'McDonalds' the other day. "French Fries Grandma" " Sorry Kenzie - too early" [10:am]. They don't make fries until 10:30am." We drove more and you saw 'Dennys'. You pointed ans said; "eat there!" Kenzie wanting something...." Please, I love you, best Grandma in the whole world." You do shorten it...."Please, best in the whole world." Mama lost her job [again] today. Yuck!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Page 11.) 7-1-98

GG caught a bird [parakeet] in Aunt Pam's backyard [Jamie's Birthday] yesterday. Today at a garage sale, we found a very nice bird cage. We went to Aunt Pam's and brought the bird home and named her 'Penny'. She's white with a little sky blue. Buddy. Muffin and Cookie want a closer look at her.
You took the tub of used chalk out of the garage, lined all the pieces up very neatly next to each other with the biggest piece at one end, ending with a little tiny piece at the other end. This is the first time you have tried to order [make sense] of your environment. This is 'logic' at its base and you are not even 2 1/2 yet [Aug 24th]. You are a very wonderful boy. You love baseball and you are a very loving. Today you said; "Coco." I said; "Coco?" You said; "yes Janet." You were thinking about my friend Janet Bain [we ate dinner at her house about 2 weeks ago] and her BIG DOG 'Coco'. I don't know what made you think about Coco, but you talked to me about it.
{Memory.........we used to make a big deal about the tiny food [tiny grapes] being 'babies'.}
You peddled a BIKE today! You rode a big bike out of the garage all by yourself to surprise GG.
We were playing baseball in front of the house. You were pitching [as usual] to me. When I hit the ball, you said; "nice job."
{Memory..... I used to make train engines for you out of play dough. I have to say.... they were quite good.

Friday, March 25, 2011

When your life is not just about YOU.

Can't say that I ever wanted to grow up to be a ________??? I probably would have been a good teacher, nurse, researcher, accountant. Actually, I would have been good at what ever I did, I just couldn't decide what I wanted to do. My sister said that she was determined to never rely on a 'man' for financial support [they could leave -like our father did]. Me...I was always afraid to HAVE to support myself, but that could/did lead to low self esteem; when someone has financial power over you. When I was 50 I became a realtor. I liked it so much I thought 'this is what I want to be - when I grow-up'. Then the housing market killed any enjoyment I had. There was a time that I regretted not going to college, but not any more. Life is short. The most satisfaction I ever got out of living, is when I was thinking/doing for others.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just call me........klutz

What is going on??? I don't seem to be able to get through a whole day without hurting my self. I fell on the ground moving a chair and hurt my right hip, right arm and sprained a finger. I slipped on the stairs a little, but managed to hurt my backside. I rammed my knee on the door jam, entering the house. I whacked my right ankle very hard on a wooden stool. And to top it off; the last stair, closest to the ground collapsed while I was caring TJ outside. If it wasn't for the house being close to where I was falling, I would have crashed. Maybe if I bought stock in ibuprofen, I could change my luck. As it stands now, the drug companies are making a fortune off my clumsiness.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I'm not sure....

.....that I have anything interesting to say, but here goes. Does the comma go before or after the BUT? I need to stop drinking the 5 oz glass of wine that I enjoy, it messes up my dreams....makes them scary. Ann should have laughed her head off when I tumbled out the the patio chair yesterday. I was trying to turn the chair a little to see TJ. With my sandles on, my ankle must have twisted, the ground was sloped and I don't have great balance any way. I landed on my bad hip but really sprained a finger on my right hand - ouch. Bless Ann for being concerned, if it was me watching instead of doing, I probably would have bad.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Growing up.

TJ is such a great boy. I sure all children are great, but TJ is the one I spend everyday with. True - I spent everyday with my own children, but then I was young and ambitious, had a demanding husband and a household to take care of. My life couldn't be any more opposite. I sometimes feel that I'm looking at TJ's baby/childhood under a magnifying glass. I see the slightest change. What an awesome gift - to see so much growth up close and personal. I did daycare my first grandson Jay when he was 6 months old but, I also had another 6 month old, Kelli, until she was 4. This time - no distractions. Jay's daycare grandma had more get up and go. They [Jay and TJ] have been lucky to have a grandma for their daycare...........and I have been blessed to be able to help raise them.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Page 10.)

Sometimes I take you to garage sales in your stroller. We had a great time 'saling' yesterday. You bought a yellow baseball bat $.25, a white plastic baseball $.05, a big purple ball $.25, but you best find was a small baseball mitt for $.10. You wanted that mitt more than anything in the whole world.
Sometimes I carry you instead of taking the stroller out of the trunk. The stroller does keep you out of trouble, and I'm always telling you that you are too heavy for me to carry - 30 lbs.
One day I was carrying you and you wanted to get down so you could see something and you said " Heavy Grandma, heavy"

Page 9.) 6-19-98

You are Grandma's best boy! You are smart, beautiful, strong, sweet and wonderful.
You luv the park "Tot Lot" . If there is a mommy pushing a baby or child on the swings, you stand at the next swing - looking so cute - hoping the mommy will pick you up, put you in a swing and push you too. And you are so cute .... they do! If I come over to the swings to push you, you say " No Grandma, mommy push".
{ I drew a picture - in this memory book - of a woman, baby in swing and child (you) standing at the next swing}

Friday, March 18, 2011

Out of sorts....

Yesterday I was in a 'funk'. Lately I have been saying things that should have stayed in my head. Nothing bad or hurtful, just needless. Remember your mother telling you "if you don't have anything nice to say....". At 61 years of age, I should have that down pat. I'm going to try harder to speak more thoughtfully. Garage sales tomorrow!!!!!! Volunteering at 'Companion Parrots Re-homed', noon to 5pm. Should be interesting. 13 days 'till TJ's first birthday!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TJ & Lily

TJ is so cute with Lily. He loves to give Lily her 'dog biscuits' after she goes 'potty' outside. He enjoys feeding her off his highchair and any other time he has food. TJ has been giving her 'kisses' since he could crawl. Unfortunately, TJ had little understanding what 'pet Lily she's soft' meant. We have to remind him every day to open his hand; pat, pat, pat. It seems irresistible for him to grab a hand full of dog fur. I'm glad to report that we are seeing progress. Needless to say, Lily was very wary of TJ because of the pain that he inflicted upon her. Now TJ is her best friend - the one with 'kibbles' [human and otherwise]. We give TJ a 'gold fish' cracker; he gives it to Lily. Everyone is happy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A new normal.

The smell of fresh brewed coffee wakes me up. Tim has settled into a work schedule; M T-TH F S. He leaves @ 9:30am and comes home @ 6:45ish. Ann works M-F leaves @ 8:15am and comes back @ 5:15pm. Ann and I have a few minutes before Tim comes home to discuss what TJ did all day; over a glass of wine. I have Wednesday AM or PM to do what I want. And all day Sat/Sun. Evenings are spent reading or a movie or computer time. Life is good. Speedy seemes to have survived his weekend trip to the emergency Vet. He's eating and pooping. If he eats too much at once he will throw up and Lily gets a warm treat. Lily eats anything, everything and too much. TJ has become her best friend since he has been throwing food off his high chair. TJ and I eat, play, and nap. We go to the library once or twice a week. Weekends are for 'garage sales'.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby better.

TJ had a fever Fri, Sat, and Sun. Today he is much better. We still are clueless as to what caused the fever. Ann was going to take him to the doctor today, but that seemed unnecessary. We have cuddled and picked him up so much that he seems to be whining just because he can now. He will play and play and then whine at our legs. We don't want to re-enforce negative behavior. A ball will usually distract TJ from whining. He throws well and we enjoy playing catch with him. He knows if he gets the ball into something like a box or basket, we will throw up are arms and yell score! Re-enforcing positive behavior.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Page 8.) 6-13-98

We were at Kristy [Gosline's] wedding and the minister asked Aunt Linda [Kristy's mom] " Who giveth this woman to be a bride?" Aunt Linda said "I do" and right away you said " I do" and the whole church cracked up.
You luv your bat, baseball and mitt.


Today you played baseball with 'Great'. You had a super time. Everyone says you talk well. You can say 'persistent' and 'difficult'.
We went to Greenfield Village today with Eleanor, Kimmy [foster child] and Sidney grandaughter]. You luv the horses and merry go round.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Page 7.) 6-2-98

You are a very special boy. When I was picking up dead branches from under the chestnut tree, you came over with your baseball, baseball hat and bat to help me put leaves and branches in the trash. I didn't ask you just did it!

Last week you were saying yups for 'yes' and nopes for 'no'. Who knows where you got that from.


So much has happened in two weeks. You change and grow and speak and tell are a joy.
Today you went to the dentist - Dr. Daryl. You were good about sitting in the chair but wouldn't show your teeth or open your mouth until much later when you wanted to talk about Dr Daryl. AAAAAhhhhhggggg! Went to metro beach.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Today is Friday 3-11-11. TJ woke up with a fever and was sleepy all day. He had very little to eat or drink. His Mom said "let the fever do what it supposed to do [kill germs]". So I rocked, sang and caressed him when he wasn't sound asleep. I got nothing done [nothing to do], napped and ate pizza for lunch. The day passed without dragging toooooooooo slowly. I was happy to sing and comfort a sick baby. When I was sick as a little kid, I remember being pampered. It didn't seem scary to be sick, although I remember crazy dreams if I had a fever. Tim used to clench his fists and mumble about a train coming. Even today, if I get sick, I like to massage 'Vicks' on my throat to give me a sense of childhood comfort. It probably doesn't do anything medicinal, but sure smells good. Memories...............

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today was not my shining moment. I seem to be endowed with a very long fuse; so not too much bothers me. NC DMV did their best to piss me off and I had a melt down. Must have been very funny to see an old lady yelling at a DMV worker. Hey, when our public servants treat us worse than prisoners [it was NOT the waiting, '''it was the standing outside].........AND they know they do because they won't let more than 35 [including workers] people into the building at the same time, because they are AFRAID someone will cause a me SOMEONE!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Today was a super splendid day. Everything hummed along smoothly. TJ was in a great mood. He was easy to get to nap. He woke up happy from his PM nap. He ate well. And he plays alone well for some of the day. I opened a few windows to let the warm air in. Lily [dog] and TJ are great friends now. TJ gives Lily her treat when she comes in from 'potty'. It also helps that TJ feeds his food to Lily from the high chair. Lily has found a new best friend. Tim has Wednesdays off [works Saturdays] and I'll be able to step out. Life is good.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Things to do............

The state of NC would like to separate me from some of my money; so I will go to the DMV Then I will head to the Senior Center to join and play cards or do some of those things that are supposed to make the few years left - better. I'm not convinced that exersize is good for your health.........just look - Jack LaLane ***DIED***. And he was a fanatic! The parrot rescue near here is looking for volunteers. I might just look into that. It will get me out of the house and out of the poor peoples hair that were silly enough to invite me live with them [bet the're having second thoughts about that].

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Page 6.) 5-3-98

I tell you to say 'thank you Grandmas, for the dry diaper' when I change you.
You say please, thank you and welcome all the time.
I hope you go to college. I know you are smart enough. Maybe you will be a chiropractor.


We gave the (neighbor) dog [Belle] a biscuit. She sits down for her treat and we say 'good girl'. You were walking back on the sidewalk patting your chest saying - 'good boy'.
The trees are beautiful; we [me caring you] were under the 'chestnut tree' and I said, " Kenzie, the tree looks like an umbrella [because the branches and leaves hang low]". So I decided to show you all my trees. The next one was a 'Redbud'. You said, "pink' [it had pink flowers]. I said, " yes, but the tree is sad because the trunk was beaten up by bugs. You said, " wa wa cry" because I said the tree was sad. I should have said the tree was in bad shape or doing poorly.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Page 5.) 4-27-98

Your favorite word[s] today are 'no way'. You also learned s-h-i-t from a movie you went to see 'Sandlot'. You call the movie 'baseball hat'
Your first real movie that you would watch all way through was ' Toy Story' .... you called it 'buzz' [I would ask you if it was too scary....'no Grandmas'].
Then you luvd 'Air Bud' .... then ' Andre' ......then 'Sandlot'.


You can talk very well. You are 26 months old. Everyone tells mom and me that you are 'so beautiful'
When you and Kelli are in the double stroller together, people stop and say ' they are so adorable'. I say ' Thanks'.
You luv your black plastic bat, your yellow/red car 'driving' , mom's and my car, suckers, the park, balls, candy and potatoes.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yo Baby

TGIF TJ was a dream today. Happy baby loves his balls, plays catch, knows how to bounce/throw them and understands the concept of putting the ball into a box for a "score!" Also experiments with putting them on and in everything he can reach/touch. Great day - great nap - great BABY!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


On Mondays and Thursdays, I take TJ to the library for story hour. The same child that doesn't like me out of his sight at home - NEVER stays near me during story time. He is busy crawling around; exploring. He looks all adults in the eye. He takes things from the other kids [usually they don't mind]. And he very rarely looks to see where I am. One time he was between two adults and wasn't too sure he was happy, but when he made eye contact with me, off he went. When the bubbles are gone and the toys come out, he's in heaven. I think he likes being with the other kids. Today he followed [crawling] the story teller around when she was passing out bells to shake [for a song]......she hadn't given one to him yet and he wanted one. One of the mom's brought waffles for her kids [they/we were staying for the second story hour].....yup; he got one.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today was a little frustrating. TJ was NOT happy unless I carried him around [too heavy] or was engaged in every little thing he did. I was on 'duty' from 8am until 5:20 pm. Tim started working yesterday, which is not a whole lot different from previous days, but it must be comforting to have an adult to talk to throughout the day. Plus when Tim was here, I could give TJ to him for his afternoon nap. Today felt like a high maintenance day. TJ seemed to need a nap from 1:30 on; until we both feel asleep at 4pm in the big soft rocker that I used to rock Jay in. It was a fitful sleep; TJ sucked on a milk bottle the entire time [1/2 hour] and my body twitched too much to get any real rest. I was going to go to the store, but I'm too tired.

March 1-2011

TJ is 11 months old today. What an exciting year for him and Tim, Ann and me. TJ has surgery next month to correct a growth on his belly button. It's not a tumor, but the umbilical cord was not clamped completely and has resulted in a very large outie. Speaking of belly button......TJ likes me to draw the letter 'B' on his back [he's not ticklish on his back] when I say a word beginning with letter 'B'. Baby, boy, ball, bear, bucket, basketball, on and on. By the way TJ is ticklish on his neck like me, Tim and Jay!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Baby signing.

We have tried to sign a few words like milk, all done, more, and drink to increase the understanding of a concept. I'm sure that you already sign a few things without thinking about it; bye-bye, up, cry, hug, kiss and hi. Yesterday, TJ signed 'more' [thumb and first two fingers together, both hands, tapping each other]. You can see it on the Internet. Google 'baby signing'. It was so cute I could have just hugged him forever. This sign from TJ came BEFORE the familiar signing bye-bye. Everyday is a blessing with TJ or any baby/grandchild.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Page 4) 4-21-98

Mama leaves for work and you stand at the door yelling "Mama- come back".
'Helped' Grandmas dig a garden at Uncle Tim's [2135 Hanford, LP MI 48146] and plant seeds.
This is a game we play:
Who loves you? ....................................Mom
" " " .....................................Grandmas
" " " ...................................... Uncle Tim
" " " ......................................Great
" " " ........................................Aunt Katrina
" " " .........................................Rekha
" " " .........................................Devin
" " " .........................................Papa
on and on.
A small bird hit the stroller as I was pushing you and Kelli home from the park. It landed on the grass and died within a minute. I picked it up and let you and Kelli hold it. I said " It's broken"

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Page 3) 4-2-98

You are very friendly and like everyone. Kelli is your every day companion. We have lots of fun together. You give lots of hugs and kisses - even to your toys. Your smile is as big as the sky and everyone thinks you are adorable. You can count to 15, know 22 letters of your alphabet [by age 2] and all your colors. You know what MOM spells. Your favorite word is "mine"
You call me "Grandmas" grandma's house, grandma's car, grandma's etc. Grandmas loves you very much. I love taking care of you while your Mama works. You are the pride and joy of my life. " Good morning, Munchkin" Big hug and kiss.

Friday, February 25, 2011


TJ has been kissing us since he was about 4 months old. I didn't realise it because babies don't pucker up their lips. His kisses were open mouthed. Once his mom figured out the pattern, we were kissed by an angel every day. Today TJ's daddy was holding TJ in his arms. TJ kissed Tim. Tim said "thank you, baby". TJ kissed Tim again. Again, "thank you baby". TJ kissed Tim again, and again, and again.........12 times in a row. I don't think my son has ever felt as loved as he did this morning. Just conjecture. I might be wrong. I should ask him.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today my very first grandchild turned 15. It's hard to believe. Wasn't it last week when I was walking him to pre-school? We would stop and say 'hola perro cafe' to the brown dog. Wasn't it last month that we were swinging at the park, I bent to pick him up, and Jay said, 'no, dada do'; he wanted the other child's father/mother to push him in the baby swing? Wasn't it just last year the he wanted to go to McDonalds to play on the balls and get a toy in his Happy meal? Where did the time go? My most fervent wish, was to make great memories for Jay. I hope I did.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


TJ loves his balls. We play catch all day with a pink 'basketball size' ball, a white plastic baseball, a small stuffed football, hard plastic balls that 'enter and exit' a 'gumball machine' like toy and small tennis balls. When he had a chance to play with toys at the library, the first thing he picked up was a yellow ball. We've gone from 'catch' to throw, to bouncing on the wood floor, to rolling into a turned on its side plastic tub - score! Soon we will start to swing a bat at a ball; as soon as TJ can walk.

I seem to have missed blogging Monday.

And here it is Wednesday morning. I was meditating under a blanket last evening and I seem to have forgotten to brush my teeth. Can't remember what time [2am?] it was when I was done meditating and crawled into bed. [there are two beds in my cavernous bedroom - one for company/meditating.] Some times I think that my body is fighting a bug off and requires extra zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, February 20, 2011

page 2) 4-2-98

Today you asked me for 'broomas' . I said ' what do you want a broom for?' You took my finger [come on] took me into the kitchen to the fridge. I opened it and you took out the prunes!
When we were at Sarah's birthday [3-22-98] you were playing with a 4 piece fence that kept coming apart. When it would come apart, you would say ' what happened?'. This is a very mature sentence for a 2 year old.
You have been using the VCR for about 6 weeks. Mom says ' don't let him play with the VCR'.
You can put tapes [movies] in, eject them, push play, and rewind the parts that you want to see again. You like ' air bud', 'toy story', 'barney' and ' Thomas the train'.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sat & Sun

I'm going to reprint from my Journal to Jay when he was little.
P.1) 4-22-98
Dear Jay,
Mom called from work today to tell me that you fell asleep in your bed last night-cuddling your baby doll. [added: you very rarely slept IN your bed]
I remember when you were 7-8 months old we were playing with dishes in the kitchen drawer and I pretended to make soup and you PRETENDED to EAT it!
We were at the playscape Monday [3-30-98] and you were inside the [covered] bridge and asked me if i wanted 'french fries or tacos'. then you asked 'for money'. You thought you were a fast food server.

Friday, February 18, 2011


TJ gets settled down by being read to. We like to read books that have a bike theme in them. 'Bear on a Bike' by Stella Blackstone is cute but, I think there are too many images on each page. 'Duck on a Bike' by David Shannon has a semi cute story and great pictures but, it condones 'borrowing' something that is not yours without permission. We also like 'Bertie and Small and the Fast Bike Ride' by Vanessa Cabban. Cute story, great size, wonderful pictures but, 'Bertie" rides over the 'desert' through the 'meadow', around the 'world' edge of 'forest' and around the 'mountain'. I don't know about you but, I think baby should learn about dirt before he learns about desert. He can learn about mountains, meadows, and forests later when he is already familiar with dirt pile, grass, and trees. I just change the words to suit me...........he can't read yet.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


On my travels around Charlotte, I pass a bakery named Nona's. The sign out front says that they have over 100 different tempting items to separate you from your money. My curiosity got the best of me today [I'm trying to be 'white flour free'] and I stopped to inspect the premises. Now 'white flour free' means no cookies, bread and pastries unless it is 100 % whole wheat. I can guarantee that EVERYTHING in a bakery is made of bleached white flour with no nutritional value. How on earth did we survive growing up in the 50's???? Tang, Koolaid, Wonder or Tastee bread, jello and spam? Back to Nona's....$85. for a birthday cake, $.60 for a 1 inch cookie = $6.00 FOR 10! $2.50 for a SINGLE cupcake! Besides not going back because of my 'no white flour' stance; I can't afford to set foot in the door! I really knew before I went in that it was going to be a mistake. A long time ago, the first thing I noticed in a new place was the............bakery.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Everyday is the same as the previous day. Wake up at 7am, green tea. Downstairs 7:30am - banana, coffee and something for breakfast. A cup of green tea. Music, book and play with TJ in my room; until he is ready for a nap. Downstairs 11:30am - lunch, coffee, and feed TJ and by default Lily. Now in the living room; book, play, cup of green tea, and floor time in the sunspot. Outdoors when the sunspot disappears, until TJ wants his second nap. 3:30pm light dinner. Cup of green tea. Ann arrives home at 5:30pm; back to my room to rest and relax. 7:30pm snack [cheese & crackers or nuts and dark chocolate chips or yogurt]. Movie/DVD, computer, reading, crocheting, probably sipping another cup of green tea. Lights out 11:00pm..............repeat. Each day with a baby is new and exciting!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


TJ was again in close proximity to the lap top and I never had to say 'don't touch' because he never tried. Amazing!!!!!! It must be voodoo or something. TJ should not be able to control his impulses. At the park yesterday and today, TJ was reminded not to put wood chips, pine cones and dirt into his mouth. Lucky for me, he spits things out when I say "out" with my hand near his mouth. As many times as I have told him 'gentle' with Lily, he still grabs a fist full of fur. TJ has tried many times to 'kiss' her. Ahhhhh time will hopefully give Lily some respite from the fur grabbing. The cat is smarter than Lily and removes himself from harm; before it gets near him.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm prepared.

I'm prepared to tell TJ 50 times not to do something; I know that babies and small children don't have a self-control button. He knocked over the stool I had to prevent him from touching the laptop and was very unhappy if I kept my foot on the stool so he couldn't move it. After he fingered the laptop, I asked him not to touch the computer because it stops his music. TJ did not touch the laptop again. Fluke????

Friday, February 11, 2011


Another cousin passed away. My mother and father had 4-5 siblings each. And my aunts and uncles had 4-5 children. So I have quite a few cousins. The first to pass away was a young adult. He was in a mental hospital. I can remember going to visit him. 20 or so years later, my brother committed suicide when he was 39. The third was a few years ago. He had cancer from smoking; slow suicide. Last week the fourth cousin died in his early 60's. I suppose now that we all are in our 60's that death will be more frequent in our lives. Sometimes I can't believe that I still have BOTH my parents. They are in their 80's now. It feels comforting that my children have had children and I will be fortunate if I get to live long enough to see my grandsons have children.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Humans have lived on this earth for about 200,000 years. Egypt was great 5,000 years ago; and that is considered Ancient History. Seems like a long time ago; until you put humans running around on this planet vs dinosaurs. Dinos ran around planet earth 160 MILLION years. [230 million years ago] If you are lucky, you might live 70 - 80 - 90 years. Makes you feel kinda insignificant. Humans are not even HALF way to Half a Million years. Change is good - it makes you/me feel alive.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I like them. But I'm talking about baby naps [or lack there of]. TJ gets cranky around 10 am and is ready to be cuddled with a bottle and rocked to sleep. Heaven forbid that you should prematurely take the bottle out of his mouth [the babies on the bus go wa wa wa..........]. So I have to wait until he is deep asleep to remove the bottle. He really is only using it as a pacifier. I wish I could remember how I managed to get 2 ten month old babies [Jay & Kelli] to take naps. For the life of me, I can't remember. Tim & Dee didn't even have a bottle at 10 months; they gave them up at 9 months. HELP!!!! Even with a tired boy, a blanket, a bottle, rocking, and his nap song - 'The ants go marching.......' - I could not get TJ to conk out for an afternoon siesta. I'm flummoxed.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The first publisher that I sent my manuscripts to; said that they would not be able to look at my work for a long time. They are not the only fish in the sea. Today I stopped at the post office and picked up five 'flat rate envelopes' - Priority Mail. I have 20 short stories [limit 4 lbs] that I can stuff into the envelope for $4.95. Then I will send them off to five different publishers. And maybe for good measure, I will get five more envelopes. A couple of artists have said they were interested in drawing a sample illustration for me. I will include a few sketches with my stories. Nothing ventured................... Take time to follow your dream.


Watched a free movie from the library last night [Infamous...............Truman Capote] and forgot to blog. Baby has a stuffy nose and a second bottom needle [tooth] poking through the gum. TJ does think biting your toes is a treat. "OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhh stinky feet" cracks him up every time. He's standing alone for a few seconds now. The coffee downstairs is calling my name. What a great smell to wake up to. Taking Lily for her 'spa' visit today. She'll come back feeling very good about not having an itchy bottom. Going to meet her new vet.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rain Rain go away.

The pinging on the window while I was waking up told me that today was going to be a soggy one. TJ likes the Rain, Rain go away song. He likes all my songs and some on 'You Tube'. We have a few 'Mary Poppins's' songs, River Dance, Selena Gomez, Old McDonald, etc. It usually takes a bottle, song, and rocking to get TJ to settle enough to take a nap. Today [for the first time ever] he fell sound asleep in his 'Johnny jumper'. His dad [Tim] was exercising in the same room. We let him sleep there. NEVER disturb a happy/sleeping child!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Snow storm across 2000 miles of USA. 65* in Charlotte NC. I took TJ and Lily for a walk to day and thought of the 20th children's picture book to write. I'm meeting with an illustrator tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 10th month BD TJ

Everyday is a great special day with TJ [or any baby]. Everyday brings new wonderful things to observe. And there is the growing relationship between TJ and me. I am blessed and honored to have been given the 'where with all' to be able to be daycare provider for both my grandsons. Today I hired two illustrators to send me one sketch for my books. They answered a posting for an artist for children's picture books. The posting just started today and I got 4 calls. I was hoping that an art student would need $30 bucks. The pictures will be of both my grandsons in situations that I have witnessed. My son Tim suggested the book proto type and the Craig's list.

Monday, January 31, 2011

1 month down...11 more to go.

2011 is speeding along. Jan 1st thur Jan 5th saw me in Michigan. Came back to NC just in time for a snow storm, which I hear is rather infrequent here. We got 3-4 inches; N. Raleigh got O. It took a few days for the white stuff to melt. This past weekend we enjoyed 67* weather. TJ 's hair is curling in the back, so cute. We were playing with the small-stuffed football today, his favorite, well, any ball is his favorite. I asked him to throw it to GG. It does leave his hand, but not always in my direction. Today he made sure I got the football..............he crawled over and ..gave it to me. AWWWW! I don't carry him up or down the steps, so he crawls up and down with me close behind. We have only done this 3-4 times. Today he not only crawled up, but instead of putting his knee on the next step, he put his foot [just the right one] on. Dang, he's so tall. Not interested in walking yet. Very affordable places to retire: #3 Raleigh NC #4 Charlotte NC

Friday, January 28, 2011


TJ's Dr. visit resulted in 'elective' surgery for his enlarged growth on his belly button. Nothing amiss, just not a good clamping when his umbilical cord was severed. The surgeon recommended waiting until April after TJ turns one. Less risk of anesthesia if past 1 year old. Still on the medical wrist feels 99% better since I had the cortisone shot Jan 4th. Now I would like a cortisone shot in my right knee [only hurts to kneel on it - I know - don't kneel on it] and my right hip. The knee is not new, but the hip thing is. On a brighter note, I slept like shit last night, [coffee at 9:30pm] but was up at 3:45 am writing children's books. As I noted on 'Facebook' I have written 17 children's picture books. I'm also on my fourth painting. Rock on!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Dog food...check. Cat food/litter...check. Full tank of gas...check. Cupboard with food... check. I am bound and determined NOT to charge ANYTHING on my Visa for the month of Feburary. A little charge here, a little charge the end of the month - holy Batman! Not only do I not want to charge anything, I'm going to try and not spend ANY money.
If I have to keep a journal of every penny I spend, so be it. I swear, I don't NEED a thing! Wish me luck...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Naps and Night time.

For the first time since I have been TJ's daycare/Grandma, TJ fell asleep for his nap on my chest/lap. Previously, he always fell asleep in my arms with a bottle, song and blanket. Then I would move him to a flat surface. Heaven forbid, if the bottle fell out. Unfortunately the bottle always in the mouth for a nap carried over to night. Now Tim has to sleep with TJ for anybody to get any sleep. What a tangled web of crying-bottle-sleep we have gotten ourselves into. There is hope for a nights sleep; TJ will be weened one day. Today - no blanket, no song, no bottle. He just asked to be picked up on my lap, faced me and put his head on my neck/chest and feel asleep for two hours [with me pinned under him] and Lily squeezing in; I forgot...I was sitting in the 'Lazy Boy' recliner rocker. The same one that I rocked Jay to sleep in - fourteen years ago.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


TJ sits still enough for me to read him a book. "Duck on a Bike" by David Shannon [illustrated by the author] seems to be the right story [animals/bikes], not too long, great pictures and just the right amount of words, not too many - not too few. I do wait to sit and read till TJ is a little tired because he is a very active boy. I have tried other books, but they just didn't have the right combination of factors. I'm a big proponent of counting from the get go. It seems to me that counting should come as naturally as talking, walking and eating. Numbers are a huge part of modern life. Two ears, two hands, one head, five fingers [high five] and 10 toes. Numbers/counting, are a big part of our day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Wish me luck.

After having written 4 1/2 'children's picture books', I found a publisher [Blue Apple Books] in NJ and mailed the 4 finished manuscripts to ATTN: Submissions. I addressed the envelope in bright marker using a different color for every word, hoping it would get somebodies attention. Very colorful and child looking. Then, I took the envelope to the post office where I paid extra to have it 'signed for' when they receive it. I thought about sending the submission with a box of candy...... next time, if I need to find a different publisher. I have great ideas in my head about the illistrations. The fifth book is getting more finished and I have started my 6th.

Friday, January 21, 2011

I know

I know in my brain that I have everything that I need and then some. But somehow the Visa bill is always a shock when I get it. What could I possibly need? I have indoor plumbing, running hot and cold water, central air and heat, a comfy bed, a cat and dog, a laptop, flat screen TV for movies, a car, food and shelter. Somehow - someway I manage to spend a little here a little there until I'm astounded at how much I spend. Go figure.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


The grandson [Jay] that I left in Michigan is going to be 15 next month. He doesn't call, write or text me. Out of sight - out of mind. I do luv reading his texts to Facebook, but there aren't very many of those. I miss you Jay. I wish we lived closer together. Hopefully you're having too much fun to communicate with your NC GG.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My son Tim hasn't found a job yet, so we share taking care of TJ. Tim cooks, shops, cleans, and does everything a stay at home parent needs to do. I help, do the laundry [I like to], make bottles, clean up the kitchen and entertain TJ. When I feed TJ a bottle, I have always sung 'The ants go marching......'. It helps put him to sleep. I sing 'It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood......' to him every morning. ' The 'Adams Family' song [with the finger snap] when he is sad. 'When the red red robin........' when we are out for a walk. ' The wheels on the bus....' when he does a fake cry. 'What makes that silly old ant......' when TJ needs entertaining. Also....'Mariann oh Mariann oh won't you........', 'This old man......', The noble Duke of York....', 'How much is that doggy...', and anything else that pops into my brain. I sing all the time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

9 1/2 months old.

TJ had his 9 month check up. He weighs 23 lbs, 90% in height [only 10% of nine month old babies are taller], 75% in weight and 40% in head circumference. TJ was exposed to 'Whooping cough' Jan 4 - 2011. 21 days is the incubation period. So far we just see teething and a runny nose. TJ does have a tag [looked like a tiny jelly bean] on his belly button that is growing large. His doctor recommended that he see a pediatric 'surgeon' to determine if removal is necessary. I'll post updates.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Lily needed a fenced yard to run and I needed to let her out the backdoor by herself once in a while. I was using my neighbor's fenced in yard across the street, but that required dressing warmly, walking her on a leach and bringing a doggie bag....for you know what. Life is too short. Yesterday the garden fencing was delivered. Shopping on the computer is such a great thing. Today I installed the wire fence and enjoyed every minute I was out doors. Our backyard is like a park. It was wonderful to see Lily run in her very own yard. And it was a bonus to be outside getting exercise and fresh does a body [and mind] GOOD!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It feels like spring.

Jeans and sweatshirt weather; I luv it! 50* weather and warming up more during the week. I don't know why everyone doesn't live in NC, but I'm really glad they don't...think of the traffic. My business cards came in Saturday....They say: GrannyNannyGG - babysitting evenings and weekends. Maybe I'll make a few bucks and get out of Tim and Ann's hair for a few hours. It can't be easy to live with your matter how much you love her. It's tough enough to live with the opposite sex. Necessity is the mother of invention. I know it doesn't have anything to do with having your husband's mother living under the same roof. I try to keep out of the way, give them space and keep my mouth shut; I'll have to work harder on the last item.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I wrote three children's picture books this week. I've had them in my brain a long time. 1.) "Baby can....} 2.) "When you were a little baby......} 3.) "Baby likes.......} I have a friend that had her children's book published. Now I must contact her about how to get mine published. I don't trust the information on the web. It all seems geared toward separating you from your money, instead of getting you published. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It's too icy out to safely walk my dog Lily. Even Lily doesn't want to walk on the frozen snow that she slides on. Thank goodness, it supposed to get to 44* tomorrow. I can stand the cold, but the ice is dangerous---I might brake a bone and then what use would I be. Today was another learning day for TJ. I can't even comprehend all the things that he learns, but he clapped with intent to show approval. We play light on - light off. TJ clapped only when I turned the light on. Tj also crawled after his ball when I asked "where's the ball"? I hope to make this blog a book for TJ to read. I may just get an idea for a kids book that I could write. hummmmm

Monday, January 10, 2011


Ahhhh the South! I have survived the hottest summer of my life........ in NC. Now to add insult to snowed a half a foot during my first NC. I hate to see what spring brings to NC - 40 days and 40 nights of rain? I suppose this will all be very funny in a couple of years....... if I live to tell it!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The weather forecast calls for snow tonight - snow tomorrow - sleet Tuesday. All of Charlotte will come to a grinding halt, if it happens before rush hour. We've stocked up on food and movies. Tomorrow I'm going to sort all of TJ's too small clothes, wash them and pack into smallish boxes by size. I'll let you know what happens after i get the sorting, washing and packing done. TJ gives kisses to us and gave lily one yesterday. Still he will try at every opportunity to put lily's tail in his mouth. Today TJ added clapping to his repertoire of skills mastered. He crawls well, stands up against anything, crawls up one step, thinks everything NOT a toy is something to play with, pat pat pat, and self feeds well. We see changes everyday !

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby has a cold or maybe it's just teething.

TJ turned 9 months old 1-1-11. He did break in his first tooth a few days before. Our very happy baby is sometimes miserable; runny nose, can't breath. A few other things: I drove through snow flurries today, we have a ghost that flushes a toilet now and then, Qtips [ in my ears] after a shower feel great, locking the pointer of the PC makes typing much easier, Dee removed a nasty bug,virus,worm from my PC YEH!!!! Made pumpkin pie yesterday YUM....TJ likes it! Made a friend named Diane, garage sales are scarce in January, downtown Charlotte is beautiful! TJ has a well check up Monday.....100% chance of be continued.........

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Back in NC

After having been away in MI for over a month....I'm back in NC. Sunny, warm 50*, and the pansies are not the worse for wear for having survived a blanket of snow while I was gone. I'm a grandma torn between two grandsons; one in MI - one in NC. When I'm in MI I miss TJ. When I'm in NC I miss Jay. I haven't blogged in a while because I didn't have Internet service, and then I need a new power cord. Lily and I walked one hour today [Tim walked TJ]. I was hoping to see some turtles sun bathing on the rocks in the luck.